over the rainbow歌詞音也

以下是《Over the Rainbow》的歌詞音譯:

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high

彩虹之上 高高在上

There's a land that I heard of

有一塊土地 這是我曾聽說過的

A land that, promise me sunshine

陽光之土 它向我保證

Any dream, I want to make my dream come true

任何夢想 我都希望讓我的夢想成真

Journey of hope that takes me there

希望的旅程 將我帶向那裡

Journey of hope that takes me there

希望的旅程 將我帶向那裡

Someday I'll touch the clouds if I just believe

有一天 我要觸摸雲朵 只要我相信

Step upon the air step as on earth

踩在空氣上 走在地面上

And then I'll be as free as bird


Fly so high, dream so high

飛得如此之高 夢想也是如此之高

And then I'll touch the sky


If I just believe in you


Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly

彩虹之上 藍鳥飛翔

Birds fly over the rainbow


Why then, oh why can't I?


If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why can't I?


Journey of hope that takes me there

希望的旅程 將我帶向那裡

Journey of hope that takes me there

希望的旅程 將我帶向那裡。