party rock歌詞中英對照

以下是《Party Rock》的歌詞中英對照:

I'm gonna get my groove back, 我要找回我的自信,

Get my groove back, 找回我的風采,

I'm gonna let loose tonight, 今晚我要放開自我,

Let loose tonight, 放開自我,

And if you're feeling what I'm feeling, 如果你和我感同身受,

Then let's get loose together, 那就一起放開自我,

Cause it's the weekend and I'm up here, 因為今天是周末我在這裡,

I'm feeling loose and ready to move, 我感到輕鬆自在,準備隨時動手,

I'm on my way to the party, 我正在前往派對的路上,

The best time of my life, 我生命中最美好的時刻,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh. 耶~耶~耶~喔~

以下是《Party Rock》的歌詞(英文版):

Yo, it's the weekend and the music's pumping, 今天是周末,音樂震耳欲聾,

So I'm gonna let loose and have some fun, 所以我要放開自我,好好享受一下,

With my girls and boys and we're all getting loose, 和我的女孩們男孩們一起,我們都放開自我,

At the party rocking on in the crowd. 在派對上人來人往。

(Verse 2)

Everybody clapping their hands like they feeling good, 每個人拍打著手鐶,感到愉快自信,

Clapping hands and vibing out on the ground, 手鐶響動地面上湧起氣息,

You and me just standing there, 站著的你我兩個人,

Bout to tear up this place. 就快要掀翻這個地方。


So I'm gonna get my groove back, 所以我要找回我的自信,

Get my groove back, 找回我的風采,

I'm gonna let loose tonight, 今晚我要放開自我,

Let loose tonight, 放開自我。

以上就是《Party Rock》的歌詞中英對照和英文版歌詞。