patient charile歌詞

《Patient Charlie》的詞曲由布萊恩·艾金森(Brian Eno)和喬治·弗斯特(George F. Stewart)合作完成。歌詞全文如下:

Patient Charlie's still waiting for his time

Waiting for his chance to slip away

Charlie's life was one that we should all aspire to

If we want to make a better world

Patient Charlie, the days he spends alone

Sits and waits for someone to call his name

Days and nights turn into endless streams

But he knows he's waiting for a better time

Charlie, Charlie, it's a battle he can't win

Time stands still and hope is just a dream

But he's a fighter, Charlie's got a chance

And that's why he's still here today

Charlie, Charlie, his eyes reflect his pain

Waiting for the moment when he can rise again

In this world, we're all fighting for our lives

And Charlie's fighting for his own

Patient Charlie, the story of our lives

A life that's lived in fear and pain is not a life worth living

Charlie, Charlie, we hope you find your peace

And we pray that one day you will be free

Charlie, Charlie, your story will never die

It lives on in us and in the world we live in today

So remember Charlie, we will never forget

Your story, your strength, your spirit, your fight.