pine tree歌詞

Pine Tree的詞曲作者及演唱者不詳,但是可以在網路上找到這首歌的歌詞。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Pine Tree

One pine tree grows so lonely

All around is everything beautiful

So pine tree thinks of sorrow

Every single hour that goes by

All alone it keeps its courage

Clinging to a world of bravery

Just trying to understand

That no one is going to comfort him

So he calls out into the sky

The music he will always be alive

A feeling he knows will stay forever

But now the tears of rain fall for him

The night the leaves that have begun to turn

As pine tree dreams and cries the blues and moans

It seems like everyone has found their place

And he is standing on his own

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

All alone he fights for everything

For hope for a little comfort

Just wanting to believe that everything will be alright

He keeps his faith until the sunny day arrives

So when you see a pine tree standing tall

Remember the ones who dream and fall and grow

Remember how they make you feel

Remember how they taught you to believe

And if you ever feel alone and lost and feeling like you might just give up and let go

Remember that there’s a pine tree standing tall remember that pine tree will always be alive.