psy gangnam style韓文歌詞

"Psy Gangnam Style" 的韓文歌詞如下:


1. (우리) 근데 뭐하게 (미소를 짓는 거에요)


2. 그 사람 사랑해 운명인듯 (하는)거에요


3. 바다는 그게 바다를 만든거에요


4. 강남 스타일 (뭐에요) 너를 갖고 싶어 (이게 뭐에요)

【江南風格 (是什麼呢) 想把你抓在手中 (是什麼呢)】

5. 감정이 많아 (그게 뭐에요) 감정이 많아 (이게 뭐에요)

【感情很深 (是什麼呢) 感情很深 (是什麼呢)】

6. 뭐에요? (뭐에요?) 나를 봐요 (이건 마지막이에요)

【是什麼呢? 看著我吧 (這就是最後一次了)】

【整段英文:】It's the same old story. This time I'm going to do it my way. My life's been chaotic, I need a little organized, that's Gangnam style. This love is wild, and I don't know what to do with it, but it's good. Let's dance to the rhythm, cause that's the only way we know how. Don't look at me, it's our style that defines me. Now that you've seen it, I know that we can take over the world with it, this is Gangnam style! Oh my god! That was my song, how could I forget? Now it's time to take a bow and say goodbye to the audience, I hope I'll see you again. That was our dance, and now it's time to go our separate ways. Let's take a moment to appreciate the memories, because this is Gangnam style!】
