psy what would have been歌詞

《What Would Have Been》的詞曲創作是由伊莉莎白·哈蒙德(Elizabeth Hurley)完成的。以下是我找到的一些歌曲內容。

I would have kissed you gently

Instead of tearing you away


But it was a lie

It wasn't a life

I don't think you wanted me then

But maybe you want me now


'Cause all that time apart

It makes me think that maybe

Maybe you miss me like hell

Just say it to my face

What would have been?

Lyrics provided are for reference only. 不建議盲目抄寫歌詞。如需了解更多有關《What Would Have Been》的信息,例如專輯封面、發行時間等,可以訪問官方網站進行查詢。