r.children hero歌詞


Hey, hey, hey

All the kids in the city

Looking for some excitement

Come and play with r.children

We'll have fun until the sun comes up

Hey, hey, hey

All the kids in the city

Looking for some adventure

Come and play with r.children

We'll have fun until the sun comes up








Come and play with r.children

Come and play with r.children

Come and play with r.children

Hey, hey, hey

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, oh, oh

We're the r.children

We're the r.children

We're the ones to watch out for

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Come and play with r.children

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, oh, oh

Let's go dancing tonight

With a whole new generation

Hey, hey, hey

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, oh, oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

We're the r.children we are the cool kids

You should try and keep up

Let's dance on while the daylight shines all around us

Let's party and love everyone that we see come and play with us come on hey hey! Hey hey! Hey!

Hey, Hey, Hey! We are r.children Hey Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! 嘿!嘿!嘿!我們是r.兒童!嘿!嘿!嘿!我們是熱門人物!嘿!嘿!嘿!噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢!來與我們一起瘋狂舞動吧!讓我們盡情舞動吧!一起加入我們的派對吧!來吧!一起來享受夜生活吧!我們都是新生代的大人們快來加入我們吧!與我們一起開心享受,歡唱笑語不斷!來一起與我們一起吧!嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨嗨!我們是一群非常棒的小傢伙!我們一起唱歌跳舞玩耍吧!嗨喲嗨喲,我們一起狂歡,享受美好的夜晚吧!一起開心玩耍吧!來吧來吧,讓我們一起唱起這首歌曲吧!一起來跳起舞來吧!一起唱起來,一起跳起來,一起來玩起來吧!讓我們一起盡情地玩耍吧!一起唱起來,一起跳起來,一起來享受這個美好的夜晚吧!來吧來吧,一起來享受這個美好的夜晚吧!一起來跳舞吧,一起來唱歌吧,一起來玩耍吧!一起來享受這個美好的夜晚吧!一起來跳舞吧,一起來唱歌吧,一起來玩耍吧!一起來享受這個美好的夜晚吧!一起來跳舞吧,一起來唱歌吧,一起來享受這個美好的時光吧!一起來跳舞吧,一起來唱歌吧,一起感受這個世界的美好和樂趣吧!一起來玩耍吧,一起唱起來,一起跳起來,一起來享受這個美好的夜晚吧!一起來瘋狂舞動吧,一起來狂歡起舞吧,一起瘋狂享受這個美好的夜晚吧!一起來玩耍吧,一起瘋狂享受這個美好的時光吧。