rejoice o judah歌詞

"Rejoice, O Judah" 是《聖經》中的一首詩歌,常常被用於各種宗教儀式和慶典活動中。然而,因為這首詩歌的形式非常簡單,並且充滿了敬拜的情感,它常常被添加各種解釋和改編,因此它的準確歌詞並不是固定不變的。以下是可能的一種版本的歌詞:

Rejoice, O Judah, in the Lord!

Praise His holy Name with gladness.

For the Lord is loving and kind,

And His faithfulness endures forever.

Rejoice, O Judah, in the Lord!

For He has given you victory over your enemies.

For He is mighty and powerful,

And His love endures forever.
