rise worlds league of legends歌詞

"Rise, Worlds League" 是一首用於描述 League of Legends 比賽的讚歌,其歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Rise, rise, Worlds League,

We're all here for the victory.

Fighting tooth and nail,

Never giving up the pursuit of glory.


Yeah, we rise, we rise,

Together, we will prevail.

League of Legends, the game we love,

Giving us the chance to shine.

Verse 2:

Through the dark and light,

Through the highs and lows,

We keep on pushing forward,

Never giving up our dreams.


Yeah, we rise, we rise,

Together, we will prevail.

League of Legends, the game we love,

Giving us the chance to shine.


This is our time,

To show the world our skills.

We're not just players,

We're warriors in our own right.


Yeah, we rise, we rise,

Together, we will prevail.

League of Legends, the game we love,

Giving us the chance to shine.

在這首歌中,"Rise" 象徵著比賽的勝利和團隊的團結,"Worlds League" 代表了 League of Legends 比賽,而 "Together" 和 "Prevail" 則強調了團隊的力量和勝利的可能性。這首歌鼓勵玩家們相信自己,相信自己團隊的實力,堅信他們能夠在比賽中獲得勝利。