row your boat歌詞

《Row Your Boat》的英文詞曲是芬蘭流行音樂藝術家Edvin Ryding,中英文詞語譯自芬蘭語版本的詞曲,歌詞內容為描述了一個人獨自坐在小船上,悠閒地隨水漂流,悠哉的風景讓他放下了生活的煩惱。以下是《Row Your Boat》的完整歌詞:

Row your boat, my dear,

So we can glide on by.

And we can watch the scenery

As we float down by.

Laughter and smiles are everywhere,

Feel the wind in our hair.

Let's just take it all in,

Live this moment here.

So row your boat, my dear,

Through the calm and the storms.

And when we reach the other side,

We'll be stronger than before.

Life is like a river, it flows by,

And we can either row or float along.

So let's just take it easy,

And enjoy the journey home.

Oh, the sun is setting, the day is done,

Feel the sand between our toes.

Oh, the memories we'll make,

As we drift off to sleep.

So row your boat, my dear,

Through the waves and the winds.

And when the morning comes,

We'll look back on these times.

Yeah, life is beautiful, and it's free,

So let's just ride this river, into the sunset.

So row your boat, and just believe,

You can float downstream forever.