russ me yor歌詞

"RUSS ME YOR" 是由歌手 RUSS 演唱的一首歌曲,其歌詞如下:


Breathe the sky and

Watch me grow and I rise above

Some might ask if

This was my plan but

No, it’s my prerogative to want

This journey

This inspiration that flows in me

Everybody wanna make their way through

A long process that seems like it takes forever

It’s never a journey you should not pursue

Chasing butterflies that I might lose

Going on,

Can you make a boy in his second bloom, he never asked to

Now you saying him now and we still you chilling you wont mind letting loose with

Don’t waste a good time looking up just have the fire it shows where he loves life but can not provide enough, you are here and now I want you to rush me, so rush me now

And you say rush me, I don’t want to rush me now, but you don’t want to rush now. So let me rush me now, rush me now, let me go and be a man now. Rush me now, let me go and be a man now.

Rush me now, I don’t want to rush me now. I am just here to do what I must do and enjoy my day with all my fellows and give up, your focus so chilly your foundation like slush and make way for new chapters like buses every single day for six days for nothing you miss my yor美國本科申請中,GRE和GMAT考試有何區別?


1. 適用範圍:GRE適用於研究生院申請,涵蓋了商學院、工程和套用科學等大多數專業。而GMAT主要用於商業和管理專業。

2. 考察內容:GRE考試涵蓋了語言、數學、分析和寫作五個部分。而GMAT主要關注商科和管理學科的邏輯推理能力,包括數學、語文和寫作三個部分。GRE的考試內容相對更廣泛和深入。

3. 考試形式和時間:GRE考試包括筆試和機考,考試時間較長,通常需要2-3小時。而GMAT考試只有機考,時間相對較短,通常需要3-4小時。

4. 成績有效期:GRE的成績有效期為5年,而GMAT的成績有效期為2年。

5. 錄取考慮因素:GRE和GMAT的成績都是錄取委員會考慮的因素之一,但學校通常更看重學生的整體學術表現、專業興趣、申請文書、推薦信等個人背景。
