secret of my heart羅馬歌詞

Secret of my heart


I can't turn my back on my dreams


You are the daybreak to my dreams


It's been a long time


But I'm here by your side


Don't be afraid, you're not alone


Just look up, you'll see the blue sky


I'll tell you the secret of my heart


I'll lead the way, follow me into the future


And now it's time to take off


It's been a long time, but we can make it. Don't be afraid.


Don't be afraid, I'm here by your side. Just look up, you'll see the blue sky.


It's been a long time, but I'm by your side. You're not alone. You can do it.

雖然好久不見,我會一直在你身旁,你並不孤單,你能做到的。 你要相信自己。

Every moment, I was so determined, so I kept on moving, day after day. 羅馬歌詞中文翻譯You know that game where you throw darts at a dartboard and hope to hit a certain target? The more you miss, the more you throw, until finally you land a bullseye? I have news for you: this game isn't just for amateurs anymore. In fact, we call it entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Bullseye Game of Business. What you aim for is a whole new universe of possibilities, a new universe that doesn't exist yet - at least not in your corner of the world. This universe is made up of a community of passionate entrepreneurs, who, like you, want to create something they believe in. The best part? They're throwing darts at the same board, aiming for the same target. In this game, the goal isn't to be alone - it's to collaborate with other people who are dedicated to the same thing as you. We call it teamwork - but in reality, it's about putting your strengths and resources together with someone else who is capable of achieving the same things you are. You may not have the skills or resources you need today, but that doesn't mean you can't succeed tomorrow. It just means that you need to keep throwing darts and hope to land on the right target. And when you do? Well, then it's game on! So don't be afraid to take risks and seize opportunities. The Bullseye Game of Business is a thrilling adventure where anything is possible - as long as you have a dartboard and a bullseye in mind. Let's start throwing! 你知道那種遊戲嗎?你往一個靶子上扔飛鏢並希望擊中某個目標?你扔得越多,就越想扔,直到最後你真的擊中了靶心?我給你一個訊息:這種遊戲不再只是業餘愛好者的專利了。實際上,我們稱它為“商業中的靶心遊戲”。你的目標是一個全新的可能性世界,一個還不存在的新的世界——至少在你所在的世界裡還沒有。這個世界是由一群充滿熱情的創業者組成的社區,他們和你一樣想創造一些他們所相信的東西。最棒的是?他們也在同一個靶子上扔飛鏢,瞄準同一個目標。在這個遊戲中,目標不是孤獨的——而是與其他志同道合的人合作。我們稱之為團隊合作——但實際上是把你自己的優勢和資源與另一個能夠實現同樣事情的人結合在一起。你可能今天沒有所需的技能或資源,但這並不意味著你不能明天成功。這隻意味著你需要繼續扔飛鏢並希望擊中正確的目標。那么當你做到這一點時呢?那么就準備開始吧!所以不要害怕冒險和抓住機會。商業中的靶心遊戲是一個充滿可能的激動人心的冒險——只要你有一個飛鏢靶和一個靶心在腦海中。讓我們開始扔吧!