shøut re creators歌詞

"shøut re creators" 歌詞如下:

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Yeah, this is a shout out to the creators

Who work so hard and create

But are always underpaid

This one’s for the moms and pops

Who are always there to support

And sacrifice their time and energy

To make sure their children reach their dreams

So we can all be free to express ourselves

And create what we want to create

Without any boundaries or limits

Because we are all creators

Yeah, this is a shout out to the creators

Who inspire us every day

To push forward and never give up

To chase our dreams and never let go

Because we are all creators

So let’s create something beautiful

Something that will last forever

And inspire others to follow in our footsteps

Because we are all creators

Yo Yo Yo Yo

以上是 "shøut re creators" 的部分歌詞,完整版請參考原歌曲。