
《說好旅行》是周迅演唱的一首歌曲,由葛大為填詞,Barry Chung作曲。歌詞如下:


說好旅行 沒有人問歸期

背包裏藏著 夢想與未知

我們去遠行 跨過山丘與四季

就算跌倒 也笑著爬起


We said we're gonna travel

And no one asked when we're coming back

Packed with dreams and unknowns in our backpacks

We're gonna cross the mountains and四季

Even if we fall down, we'll laugh and get up again


我們擁抱 這瞬間的自己

沿途的風景 讓我們著迷

遠方的燈塔 總能讓人安心

不管多遠 都會找到回來的路


These moments we embrace are magical

The scenery along the way fascinates us

The distant lighthouse can always calm us down

No matter how far we go, we'll find our way back


人生就像 一場旅行


不怕跌倒 不怕失去

只要心還在跳 就還有明天的曙光等著我們去探尋


Life is like a journey, every step is worth cherishing

Don't be afraid of falling, don't be afraid of losing

As long as our hearts are still beating, there will be dawn waiting for us to explore tomorrow


我們說好旅行 沒有人問歸期
