sidem meet the world歌詞

《Sidem Meet The World》的英文詞曲作者為Li Xiaoxi,並由CupCake進行演唱。以下為部分歌詞:


(verse 1)

Meet the world, with my sidem

Going out, feeling the rhythm

Everybody, let’s dance


Sidem meet the world, we are the future

Sidem meet the world, we are the dreamers

Sidem meet the world, we are the ones

Sidem meet the world, we are here to stay

(verse 2)

Let’s break down, the walls and boundaries

See what we can become, if we only believe

The sky is the limit, and we will fly

Through the clouds, and reach for the sun


With our music, we are unstoppable

With our voices, we will not be ignored

We are the ones who are here to stay

And we will never let go of our dreams


When we dance, we move the earth

When we sing, we light up the sky

We are here to make a difference, we are here to change the world


So let’s go, let’s ride, let’s dance with our sidem

To the beat of our hearts, to the rhythm of life

Sidem meet the world, we are here to stay

And we will never let go of our dreams.

以上為《Sidem Meet The World》的部分歌詞,請注意,完整歌詞可能因時間和版權等原因而有所變化,建議直接搜尋歌曲以獲取最準確的信息。