simple plan astronaut歌詞

"Simple Plan Astronaut"

* 英文歌詞:

+ Let's take a ride in my spaceship, you can call it an adventure

+ And if you don't know where you're going, maybe that's the best place to be

+ Because when we take off, the stars will guide the way

+ It's time to live life like there's no tomorrow

+ Let's make some memories, astronauts of the world

+ Come with me and we can break the rules

+ If you want to change the world, this is your chance

+ Because there's no better time than now

+ We're on a journey through the universe, no gravity will hold us back

+ So let's make some noise, sing along and feel the rhythm of the beat

+ It's time to live life like there's no tomorrow

+ Let's make some memories, astronauts of the world

+ So grab your helmet and your spacesuit, let's do this for adventure

+ Don't let anyone stop you from dreaming, we're all astronauts in our own way

+ So pack your bags and get ready to go, there's no time like the present

+ This is our chance, we're not going to let it slip away

* 中文歌詞:

+ 讓我們搭乘我的宇宙飛船,你可以稱之為冒險之旅

+ 如果你不知道你要去哪裡,也許那裡是最好的地方

+ 因為當我們起飛時,星星將引導我們前行

+ 是時候像沒有明天一樣活著了

+ 讓我們創造一些記憶,世界上的太空人們

+ 跟我一起來,我們可以打破規則

+ 如果你想改變世界,這就是你的機會

+ 時候沒有更好的時間比現在了

+ 我們正在穿越宇宙的旅程中,沒有重力會阻止我們前進

+ 所以讓我們大聲一點,跟著唱並感受節奏的節拍

+ 是時候像沒有明天一樣活著了

+ 讓我們創造一些記憶,世界上的太空人們

+ 所以抓住你的頭盔和太空服,讓我們為冒險而行動

+ 別讓任何人阻止你做夢,我們都是以自己的方式成為太空人

+ 所以收拾好行李準備出發,現在沒有比這更好的機會了

+ 我們不會讓它溜走的機會,我們要把握住它。

以上就是"Simple Plan Astronaut"的英文和中文歌詞。這首歌鼓勵人們去冒險、去追求夢想,無論身處何處,我們都是自己的太空人。