

I met a man on a summer day 在一個炎炎夏日

I was all alone 我一個人孤獨

We kissed beneath the trees 在樹蔭下我們深情吻別

I fell for him in a heartbeat 我的心跳動瞬間我愛上了他

Then I remember he said


We’ll take some time


Sometimes I miss him so


And sometimes I miss being alone


When everything was clear and bright


We walked into the endless night


Then he told me to stay 我回應他讓我留下

And I stayed 所以我留下了

I know that love can be 我知道愛情可以讓人痛並快樂著

Such a beautiful mess 如此美麗的混亂

Sometimes I wish he’d disappear 我有時候希望他消失無蹤

But I don’t know where to start 但我不知從何開始

Cause it’s been a while now that he’s been gone 他現在不在了我有一會兒時間了

Sometimes I dream about you, you 你會在夢裡出現我嗎?

In the sunshine and the rain 在晴空與雨霧中出現我面對過如此的煎熬過往彷彿未曾一場美夢就失去了一樣(有些不可捉摸的悲哀,但仍存有對美好往事的期盼)

Maybe you are my fate, my downfall (兩人的分分合合應是宿命也是他們的人生)“我的過往墮落”?從句子含義可以看出是一種錯誤的理解與看法

Oh…I still can hear his words (表露出心中的情話無聲語無力,作者情感猶存的苦楚)

Sometimes I miss him so 有時候我無法不思念他

And sometimes I miss being alone 有時候我渴望再次一個人過活

Cause sometimes I need him so 有時候我需要他

But sometimes I need some time 有時候我需要一些時間

I met a man on a summer day 在一個炎炎夏日

I was all alone 我一個人孤獨

Now I’m all alone again 現在我又孤獨一人了

But I know that I’ll be alright 但我相信我會好起來的。