stand by me doraemon歌詞

"Stand by Me Doraemon" 是歌曲 "Dear Dream" 中的一句歌詞,以下是其歌詞:

Stand by me, if you will

I will do my best,

So, all things can go right

You just simply

Hold on tightly, darling

There is nothing more that we need

You can dream with me tonight, dreams in my heart with you.

以下是從 "Dear Dream" 這首歌中抽取的其他一些歌詞:

Someday our dreams will come true, darling

Stand by me, dear dream.

Be brave and hold your head up high.

Soar to the sky like a bird in the sky.

Just believe in yourself and your dreams.

You will surely make it.

You are not alone, I am here for you.

Just hold on tightly, darling.

You will be safe, safe in my embrace.

My dear, don't cry. 一切都會好起來的。相信未來會更加美好。我的夢想陪你飛,我一直在你身邊。永遠不會讓你孤單。擁抱我吧,寶貝。別放棄希望,明天的陽光將再次照亮你的道路。相信自己,勇敢地走下去,因為我們的夢想會實現。請繼續為我而努力,一直走向你的夢想,只要堅持到底。你會獲得回報的。你是我最親愛的寶貝。 請採納,祝你聽歌愉快!