stevie hoang show you off歌詞

"Stevie Hoang - Show You Off" 的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Yo Stevie, I'm feeling like a star

Got my swagger on, I'm feeling like a star

I'm feeling like a star, I'm feeling like a star

But my team they look so regular

I got to let 'em out like let loose your drawers


I'ma show you off, all up in this thing I love you to show you off

Cuz this the type of nia that'll always have your back up and it ain't no game now, yeah yeah

Verse 2:

My ladies know they ride with the king of the streets

All day, every day, all the time they on my neck in they 20s and they about to trip and hit the street and make it pop with them Gucci's and Versace's

Yeah I know it ain't no fair but you ain't gotta wait till your next birthday


I'ma show you off, all up in this thing I love you to show you off

Cuz this the type of nia that'll always have your back up and it ain't no game now, yeah yeah


Let 'em see the fellas you out in your favorite white loafers brand new diamond on his ring sparkling shinny that could blow their eyes out it go on and on and on and on but they don't even know it when I show 'em off and tell 'em it's a game of one down to zero在公共場合進行演示或演講時,有時候我們會使用PPT作為輔助工具,但是有時我們可能會遇到一些問題,例如幻燈片內容出現混亂或錯亂。這是由於以下原因導致的:

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