still alive歌詞normcore

"Still Alive" 是 Avicii 在 2013 年發布的歌曲。這是一首非常有名的歌曲,但是關於 Normcore 並沒有在歌詞中直接提及。然而,這首歌曲包含許多對生活的樂觀和希望的主題,強調人們可以戰勝挑戰,儘管困難仍然活得更好。歌詞可能會提供有關這種理念的某些啟示,如果你對此有興趣,可以參考一下英文歌詞:


It's been a while, since I took up this fight

Trying to find a way to make it right

Now I'm still alive, still alive

Trying to find a way to make it through

Now I'm still alive, still alive

I've been through the worst, I've been through the best

Trying to find a way to make it last

Now I'm still alive, still alive

I'm still standing, I'm still breathing

I'm still moving, I'm still feeling

Now I'm still alive, still alive

I've been through the darkest of nights

And I've been through the brightest of days

Trying to find a way to make it alright

Now I'm still alive, still alive

And I'm not gonna stop, till I get what I want

And I'm not gonna give up, till I get what I need

Now I'm still alive, still alive

Now I'm still standing, I'm still breathing

I'm still moving, I'm still feeling

Now I'm still alive, still alive

Now I'm still standing, I'm still breathing

I'm still moving, I'm still feeling

Now I'm still alive, still alive"
