ten little witches歌詞

"Ten Little Witches"是一首非常有趣的兒童歌曲,歌詞如下:

One little, two little, three little witches,

Four little, five little, six little witches,

Seven little, eight little, nine little witches,

All together, ten little witches!

First little witch is named Snow White,

Second little witch is named Red Riding Hood,

Third little witch is named Cinderella,

Oh my! Now there are nine!

Fourth little witch is named Aurora,

Fifth little witch is named Lily of the Valley,

Sixth little witch is named Sleeping Beauty,

Now there are eight! Now there are eight!

Seven little witches can you name?

Oh my goodness! Now there are only six!

Eight little witches dance and sing,

Now it's time to say goodbye!


Ten little witches, here we are again,

One by one they'll leave this fairy tale land.

With wands and brooms we'll say our farewells,

Goodbye until next time! Goodbye!
