

All around the world 世界各地

Got these star struck fans 在世界的某個角落 冬粉們正翹首以待

That will eat you up and put you down 能把你吞噬也能讓你沉淪

And if you get lost 在你迷失方向

You can look up 抬頭仰望

And see the stars 滿天繁星

And if you ever feel like you're on your own 當你覺得孤獨無助

Just remember 你只需記住

You're not the only one 你的身邊還有我

Chorus: 謝謝你們 謝謝你們

I'm so grateful for the pain 感謝曾經的傷痛

It made me appreciate the sunshine 讓我更懂得珍惜陽光

I'm so grateful for the rain 感謝曾經的雨水

It made me grow even stronger 讓我變得更堅強

I'm so grateful for the tears 謝謝曾經的淚水

They taught me how to feel 愛讓我懂得去感受

And I'm so grateful for the scars 感謝那些傷疤

They make me who I am 我因它們而與眾不同

And if you ever feel like you've been wrong 在你覺得自己做錯的時候

Just remember 你只需記住

There's always tomorrow 明天會更好

Chorus: 謝謝你們 謝謝你們

I'm so grateful for the lessons 感謝曾經的教訓

They taught me how to walk on my own 讓我學會獨立行走

I'm so grateful for the bumps 感謝曾經的磕磕絆絆

They made me appreciate the smooth 讓我不再抱怨生活的平淡

So when you feel like giving up 所以當你想要放棄的時候

Just remember 你只需記住

You're not the only one 你不是一個人在戰鬥

There's someone out there who cares 在世界的某個角落有個人在關心你

So don't give up the fight 所以請不要放棄

Just keep on keepin' on 堅持到底

Just keep on keepin' on 堅持到底

Just keep on keepin' on 不放棄 不放棄 不放棄

Just keep on keepin' on 不放棄 不放棄 不放棄

Keep on keepin' on 不放棄 不放棄
