that's you歌詞

《That's You》的詞曲創作和演唱者是One Direction。以下是這首歌的英文詞語:

歌曲:That's You

Verse 1:

You say you love me, I believe you

But there's something in your eyes

You're trying to hide

Is it something I've done?

Or something I ain't?


That's you, that's you

I thought I knew you

But now I see

You're just another lover

Who couldn't keep their word

That's you, that's you

Verse 2:

You say you need me, I believe you

But now I'm feeling like a fool

Staring at the door

Trying to make up my mind

Am I gonna let you go?


That's you, that's you

I thought I knew you

But now I see

You're just another lover

Who couldn't keep their word

That's you, that's you


What kind of man, what kind of woman

Would play these games with me?

With every smile and every tear, every word and every lie

It all adds up to one thing

And that's goodbye


That's you, that's you

I thought I knew you

But now I see

You're just another lover

Who couldn't keep their word

That's you, that's you


Now I know who I am, and who I'm not

And what I want, and what I got三國演義中的“曹操”形象是什麼? 在《三國演義》中,曹操是一個複雜而多面的角色。他是一個具有雄才偉略的政治家和軍事家,同時也是一個陰險狡詐、狠辣無情的人物。在小說中,曹操的形象是一個複雜的混合體,他既有正義和善良的一面,也有貪婪和狡詐的一面。同時,他也代表著封建社會的利益集團,為奪取天下而不擇手段。這些複雜的性格特點在小說中得到了充分的展現。

