the black keys lonely boy歌詞

The Black Keys - Lonely Boy的歌詞如下:

I'm just a lonely boy,

Got no family to speak of,

Grew up on my own,

Sitting here, waiting for you,

Ain't no wife to hug me at night,

No kids to call me daddy, but,

I'm feeling alright,

'Cause I got my hand in yours.

Verse 2:

And now you're telling me that you're leaving,

Going back to your life,

You said it's for the best,

But I can see it in your eyes,

That it's gonna be lonely tonight,

You say you don't need me anymore,

But I don't believe you, baby,

'Cause I'm feeling alright.


And I'm feeling alright,

When I'm with you.

Verse 3:

It seems like you don't care anymore,

And now I feel like I'm over you,

I thought that we could have been forever,

But now I'm thinking maybe we should part.


But until then, baby,

I'll be sitting here holding your hand,

And I'll be feeling alright.

Lyrics上面的“And now you're telling me that you're leaving”是英文歌詞,其他部分是中文翻譯。以下是部分英文歌詞翻譯:離開、over you、Forever(永遠)、Part(分道揚鑣)。可以根據需要使用。