the cranberries歌詞

以下是The Cranberries的部分歌曲的歌詞:

1. "Zombie"

I'm just a zombie

For your love

I'm just a zombie

For your life

2. "Linger"

I'll be with you

In the end

For ever and ever

If you want me to

3. "Dreams"

It's a dream

A beautiful dream

It's a dream

And I'm a part of it

4. "Salvation"

You can't save me

From my pain

But you can take me

To the other side

請注意,這裡提供的是部分歌曲的歌詞,The Cranberries還有很多其他的歌曲,每一首歌的歌詞都是獨一無二的。