the cup song歌詞

The cup song的歌詞如下:

Put a little spoonful Of Rain forest magic in your cup,

Feel the mysterious potion Gently caress your tongue,

Say goodbye to rustic horrors, Hello to fruity friends,

One sip and you're laughing at The world from your cocoon.

(將小匙匙的雨林魔力 放入杯子中)

感受神秘的藥劑 輕撫你的舌頭,

(說再見rustichorrors, 迎接(果味朋友的)美好的一天)

告別大自然的恐怖, 對世界發出歡笑(像從繭中孵化出來的蝴蝶一樣)。
