the fray over my head歌詞

Over My Head可能的歌詞如下:

Over my head

Just keeps on toppling over

Falling into a

Quagmire I don't know what to do

Oh my gosh, oh my goodness

Ahh... ahhh...

The fight or flight

Feels like a marathon

The thoughts in my head

Are racing like a freight train

Oh my gosh, oh my goodness

Oh no, oh no...

I'm drowning in my own tears

And I don't know where to turn for help

My world is crumbling, falling apart and I can't fix it myself

So much pain and sorrow inside me now I don't know how to take anymore.

上述的歌詞中的Over My Head可能會讓人想起一個人、一件事情或者是一種情況,而具體所指需要參考上下文或歌曲背景。但無論指的是什麼,這首歌曲的歌詞表達了對於困擾和痛苦的深深感受,以及對於無法獨自應對這些挑戰的無奈和無助。