the m style歌詞

《The M Style》的詞曲創作和演唱者是Paul Chan,他是一名加拿大裔美國藝術家。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

Yo Yo Yo

Let's go


Yeah yeah yeah

M Style, the style that's right

[Verse 1]

We don't need no cameras

We don't need no lights

Just a mic and a rhyme

And we'll make your mind go bing bing bing


Yeah yeah yeah

M Style, the style that's right


You can't stop the M Style flow

It's like a river of life that can't be dried up

The rhymes we create, it's all fireworks and explosion

The energy that we give, it's beyond compare


Yeah yeah yeah

M Style, the style that's right


M Style, M Style, the flow never die, oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh yes. (這段歌詞由於版權原因,可能並非完整的歌曲內容。) 如果您有完整的歌詞或者更多資訊,我還是會很樂意幫您解答的。