the rum tum tugger歌詞

"The Rum Tum Tugger" 是英國兒童歌曲,歌詞如下:

The Rum Tum Tugger

Rum, tum, tugger, rum, tum, tugger,

Rum, rum, tugger, tug me to the tune of a drum.

Oh, where have you been, my beau and me?

To the zoo, to see the elephant and the pheasant.

Oh, what a fine time we had and what a lot of fun

And I'll tell you what else we saw that was funny.

The Rum Tum Tugger, he's a big old cat.

He's got a big old tail and he's got a big old hat.

He's got a big old bed and he's got a big old head.

And he loves to scratch and he loves to bite.

Oh, where have you been, my beau and me?

To the zoo, to see the elephant and the pheasant.

Oh, what a fine time we had and what a lot of fun

And I'll tell you what else we saw that was funny.

The Rum Tum Tugger, he's a big old cat.

He's got a big old tail and he's got a big old hat.

He's got a big old bed and he's got a big old toy.

But we won't play with him anymore.

歌詞中提到的動物形象包括大象和孔雀,而歌詞中描述的Rum Tum Tugger是一隻大貓,它有一個大尾巴、大帽子、大床和利爪。歌曲最後表示我們再也不會和它玩了。