this song saved my life歌詞

This song saved my life的歌詞如下:

This song saved my life

It was a dark and stormy night

I was feeling down and out

But then I heard that melody

And it lifted me up out of the ground

This song saved my life

It was like a healing balm

It took away all my pain and fear

And now I'm stronger than ever before


I remember the day I fell in love with you

And your beautiful voice forever changed my view

And now whenever I'm feeling lost or down

I just close my eyes and sing along

Because this song saved my life

This song taught me about true love

And it gave me hope and strength again

And now whenever I hear your lyrics

They make me feel like I'm walking on clouds again

Verse 2:

Life can be cruel at times, it seems

But when you're feeling down and out, remember

That there's a song that can save your life

And it's waiting for you to uncover it

Chorus: (repeat)

Outro: (lead vocal)

這首歌拯救了我的生命。 當我感到失落和沮喪時,它就像一個治癒的良藥。 它帶走了我所有的痛苦和恐懼,讓我變得更加強大。 現在,我比以前更堅強了。 當我感到迷失或沮喪時,我會閉上眼睛唱歌,因為這首歌拯救了我的生命。 這首歌教會了我真正的愛情,給了我希望和力量。 當我聽到你的歌詞時,它們讓我感到仿佛我走在雲端上。 永遠不要放棄希望,因為這首歌會永遠陪伴著你。