tomorrow aaa歌詞

《Tomorrow》的詞曲由Avril Lavigne和Chad Kroeger合作完成,歌詞由Lavigne獨力完成。歌詞主要描述了主人公內心的不安與疑慮,希望過去的昨日會隨著時間逝去,現在的心情需要休息,放輕鬆。歌詞如下:

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Won't bring me down, oh no

(Another) tuesday, tuesday

Gonna start again

I'm not gonna let it get me down

I'm not gonna let it bring me down

Oh no

Tomorrow, I'll be alright

Just got to face the pain

Gonna make it through another day

Gonna make it through another day

I'm not gonna let it get me down

Gonna get myself back up again

I'm not gonna let you bring me down

Oh no

The nights are getting longer

The days are getting shorter now

Gonna face the world with all its shadows now

(shadows) now

Gonna make it through another day

Gonna make it through another day

Gonna make it through tomorrow


Tomorrow, tomorrow

Won't bring me down, oh no

(Another) tuesday, tuesday

Gonna start again

I'm not gonna let it get me down

Gonna get myself back up again

I'm not gonna let you bring me down

Oh no

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no

(Yeah yeah yeah)

(Gonna make it through another day)

(Gonna make it through another day)

(Gonna make it through tomorrow)