u2 where the streets have no name歌詞

以下是U2《Where The Streets Have No Name》的歌詞:

Where the streets have no name

Here's a prayer for the sinners

The lost and the found

In a land of the missing

You're a hero, I'm a king

We're both lost in this town

And I won't let you out of my sight

Until you've had enough


Where the streets have no name

And the hope is fading

But we won't give up the fight

Till we've had enough

I'm not the kind of man

Who leaves his friends behind

But I know I've been changed for the better

In a land of the lost

But there's something you should know

In this new dawn I was shown

If there's no love there's no place for me

In this life there's only one true name

It's alright

It's alright, alright, alright, alright

It's alright, it's alright

It's alright, alright, alright, alright

Where the lovers and the lonely men

Play their parts and shake their fists

And it seems that they might as well be honest with me now

There's a story that I heard that said that hope is a mistake

A remedy too far fetched and yet you got to live with what you believed in

In a life where love was easy

Nowhere to turn now but my belief remains in your heart it must stay here like the ring of truth天梭騰智系列43mm三眼手錶有哪些特點?


1. 外觀設計:採用經典的三眼設計,包括計時秒針、日期視窗和中心計時器,具有時尚和運動感。表殼採用精鋼材質,直徑為43毫米,適合不同手腕尺寸的用戶。

2. 性能表現:手錶配備自動上鏈機械機芯,提供足夠的動力保證走時精度。表鏡採用抗刮礦物玻璃,確保手錶的耐用性和實用性。表背鐫刻騰智系列標識和型號,可以欣賞到機械機芯的魅力。

3. 防水性能:手錶具備50米防水功能,可以應對日常洗手、雨淋等水濺問題,但不建議進行游泳等水下活動。

4. 舒適佩戴:錶帶採用不鏽鋼錶帶,佩戴舒適,並配備快速扣設計,方便佩戴和摘取。

5. 多功能套用:除了基本的計時和顯示功能外,手錶還具備多功能套用,如世界時間、鬧鐘、秒表等,方便用戶在不同場合使用。

6. 品牌價值:天梭騰智系列是該品牌的高端系列產品之一,具有較高的品牌價值和品質保證。
