under the moonlight歌詞

Under the Moonlight的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但可以在網路上找到一些相關的歌詞。

* 英語版本的歌詞:I see your face, it's under the moonlight

Shadows on the ground, it's all so romantic

Come with me, we'll dance in the moonlight

Shadows on the ground, it's all so magical

Every beat of my heart, beats only for you

Every moment I'm with you, I feel so much more

Under the moonlight, we'll fall in love tonight

In the moonlight, I'll be yours forever

Under the moonlight, we'll dance and sway

In the moonlight, we'll be lost in each other

The stars are shining, it's under the night sky

We're holding hands, it's all so right

Come with me, we'll dance in the night sky

Stars are shining bright, it's all so beautiful

Every beat of my heart, beats only for you

Every moment I'm with you, I feel so much more

Under the moonlight, we'll fall in love tonight

In the moonlight, I'll be yours forever

Under the moonlight, our story will be forever mine

Forever yours and mine, forever mine and yours

Under the moonlight...

在某些歌詞版本中,也有一些變化的詞語,例如"I see your smile, it's under the moonlight"等。