
"Universe" 是由美國歌手Billy Gilman演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

"Ask me why I'm here, I'm just passing through

I'm the tiniest star in the universe

The smallest thing you've ever seen

I'm just a dream inside your dream

Ask me how I know, it's just the way I feel

I'm the farthest you can be from here

I'm here to break your rules and break your heart

And leave you wondering how we got so far

'Cause I'm a universe in motion

Every single moment

Oh, there's so much going on

That you don't even notice

Oh, my whole existence's an accident

A grand design I can't even understand

And maybe if I never do

I'll just keep spinning through your mind

Ask me what I need, I need to break free

From the gravity of everything that weighs me down

I need to feel the sun on my face

And dance with all the things that can't be named

So ask me anything, I won't be offended

I'm just a song inside your head

I'm just a thought inside your dream"

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