we well rock you歌詞

"We Will Rock You" 是皇后樂隊的經典歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

We Will Rock You

Get ready for this

It's the final countdown

The day of the dance is near

And we'll rock the world tonight

We will rock you

Yeah, we will rock you

Buddy, you're a boy

Make a big noise

Gonna be a big man someday

You got mud on your face

You big disgrace

Kickin' your can all over the place

We will rock you

Yeah, we will rock you

Singing the song of the thrill

Bring the bombs to the world

We're gonna rock you till the morning light

We will rock you till we collapse

Underneath the load of笑了中國Ill, singing hymns with his underwear, big shout of brawling will play through their engines while falling and growing big fives all along our gym until morning! That's the day you feel small.輸入日期(yyyy-mm-dd),計算下一個的月份?Python代碼

輸入日期為 2023-05-31,請輸出下一個月份的日期。可以使用Python中的datetime模組來實現。以下是代碼示例:


from datetime import datetime, timedelta

date = input("請輸入日期(yyyy-mm-dd):")

date = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")

next_month = date + timedelta(days=30)

print("下一個月份的日期為:", next_month.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))


