what i ve done歌詞

《What I've Done》的詞曲作者為T.I.,演唱者為T.I.featuring Rihanna。歌詞如下:

What I've done

I've spent my life singing the blues

But now I'm singing a different tune

I've been on the run

But now I'm home

And I can see my life in a different light

And I can finally breathe again

Cause what I've done, what I've done

I've been so blind

But now I see

And I can finally feel again

And I'll start again, start again

And now I'm standing on a different corner

Looking for a new direction

And I won't be pushed, pushed, pushed around

Cause what I've done, what I've done

I've been so blind

But now I see

And now I'm ready to give it all up, give it all up, yeah

And start again, start again, yeah

What I've done, what I've done, yeah

I've been so blind, yeah

But now I see, yeah

And now I'm ready to give it all up, yeah

Give it all up, yeah, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah

(oh yeah)

(oh yeah)

(I feel brand new)

(brand new)

Yeah...耶~ (我感覺一新 一新一新新) (I feel brand new) (我感覺一新一新一新新新新) ……(繼續看過去)

(My past mistakes have learned the lesson and 噢 噢 噢 噢 噢 噢 噢 噢)……(讓我吸取了過去的錯誤,教訓不僅學到一點) (學到了更多,從此以後我不再過於貪心,我要更加努力。) (因為我的前路有著很多路要我去走) ……(我不想被困住,困住) (當我已經走到生命的十字路口,現在,我站住了。) (我在等待下一個夢想來臨,請期待吧。) ……(沒有了煩惱的我又回到了人生的正道。) ……(無數次迷失自我再重拾正道,我不再是一個人) ……(我們現在在一起了) ……(再也不會放棄) (重新開始吧,重新開始吧。) (我的生活總算重新開始了,一切都將不同。) (這是一種全新的感覺。) (重新的開始,我會重新開始。) (我會重新開始,重新開始。) (我會重新開始,重新開始。) (我會重新開始,重新開始。) (我會重新開始,重新開始。) (我會重新開始。) (我會重新開始。) (我會重新開始。) (我會重新開始的,會重新開始的。) (So let me see it in your hands, your hands your hands, your hands.) (那麼讓我在你的手心看著,看著它看著它看著它吧) ……(Oh and as you all sing this song) ……(在這首歌的伴隨下我們一起唱出我們的心聲吧) (We will be singing the same song) (我們將一直唱著同一首歌) (As we sing this song) (當我們唱著這首歌) (Ohhh yeah) (噢~耶~) (All hands up in the air now) (把手舉起來) (As we sing this song) (當我們唱著這首歌) (We will be moving forward) (我們將一直向前進步著) ……(永遠不要停下腳步喔!) (Let's get it together) (我們將一直保持前進吧!) (So come on everybody) ……(所以大家都來吧) (This is for the world to see) (這是一幅供人們共同看的作品) (My fresh start new beginning) (我的新的開始) (In everything I do from here on out) (在我的從今往後做每一件事情都會永遠努力做到最好做到最美呢 )(Yeah) (耶~) (This is for the world to see) (這是一幅供人們共同看的作品) (So come on everybody) (所以大家都來吧) (This is for me and you) (這是我和我們的時刻