why do i love you歌詞

《why do i love you》的詞曲由泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)所創作,收錄於她的第二張專輯《Fearless》(《無畏》)中。


Why do I love you, 為何我愛上你

Is there a right or wrong way, 有沒有一種對或錯的方式

To feeling like I'm drowning, 像是淹沒在情感之中

But I keep on swimming, 但我仍然勇往直前

If you could see me now, 如果你現在能看到我

You'd take my hand and say, 你會握著我的手說

It's only fear that keeps me feeling like I'm, 只是害怕讓我感到

Alone up there on my own, 無依無靠,孤立無援

Why do I love you, 我為何愛上你

When I'm at my weakest, 當我最虛弱時

Why do I adore you, 我為何崇拜你

In all your wildness and your wonder, 在你所有的狂野和神奇中

If you could see me now, 如果你現在能看到我

You'd understand why I keep on believing, 你會明白我為何繼續相信

I won't fall off the edge of the world, 我不會墜入萬劫不復的深淵

這首歌是泰勒·斯威夫特回憶她與前男友喬治安東·阿巴格諾(Jake Gyllenhaal)的一段感情時寫下的,歌詞中表達了她對他的愛和無助的情感。