you and me王若琳歌詞

《You and Me》是王若琳的一首翻唱歌曲,原曲是Lily Allen的May it Last,歌詞為:

When you're with me

And we're laughing and we're joking

It's like the world's just

A big old canvas

And we can paint anything

We want it to be

And you and me

We're gonna find a way

To make it work together

And we'll never lose our way

And when the world gets heavy

And we're feeling a little scared

It's like a whisper in the dark

And it says it's gonna be alright

But in my head I say to myself

I'm never giving up on us

Because I believe that everything will work out fine

It will be alright in the end

It will be alright in the end of everything you do

Because I know you're always there for me and you are mine

Through every tear and through every smile and through everything else that life can bring.

因此,《You and Me》的歌詞與原曲差異較大,以下為王若琳版本歌詞:

你我 倆倆相依

共度患難與起伏 直到永久不棄
