you get what you give歌詞

You Get What You Give的詞曲創作人為Bee Gees,以下是該歌曲的英文歌詞:

Verse 1:

You scratch my back, I'll rub yours

A mutual aid, like waving hello

No matter where you go, good things follow

Because we both know what goes around comes around


You get what you give

Whether it's love or you just living your life

You get what you give

It's a circle, and it's only as deep as you are

Verse 2:

The little things that matter the most

Like kindness, empathy and mercy to the soul

When you spread it around, good things multiply

Because we both know what goes around comes around


You get what you give

Whether it's love or you just living your life

You get what you give

It's a circle, and it's only as deep as you are


It's a beautiful world, let's make it a better place

With every little kindness, there's no need to be afraid

Because you know that you get what you give

So give a little, get a little, make it a magical night

Chorus: (repeat)

Outro: (alternate version)

Life is like a game of chess, remember this rule of thumb: If you smile at me, I'll smile back2023年春運火車票開售時間定了!搶票秘籍來了!(附搶票小技巧)

- 開售時間:1月3日-1月7日,部分地區預售期提前至40天;其餘地區預售期仍為30天。建議提前註冊好賬號,設定好提醒,確保自己使用的手機號碼可以正常接收簡訊;

- 搶票小技巧:提前規划行程、多渠道查詢車次和余票信息、利用候補購票功能、提前綁定常用聯繫人、注意退改簽規則、避免尖峰時段搶票、提高支付成功率等。此外,合理使用支付軟體,提前檢查支付渠道和密碼是否安全,避免泄露個人信息。最後,關注鐵路部門公告,及時了解最新訊息和政策調整。祝您旅途愉快! - 溫馨提示:根據個人實際情況選擇合適的搶票方案,同時也要注意出行安全和疫情防控措施。在出行前務必了解當地疫情防控政策,做好個人防護。 - 搶票成功率翻倍的秘籍:根據個人出行時間和行程合理安排搶票時間,避開尖峰時段;同時使用多個搶票軟體或渠道查詢車次和余票信息,提高搶票成功率;提前綁定常用聯繫人,減少重複操作;注意退改簽規則,避免不必要的損失;避免使用搶票外掛軟體或外掛程式,以免被封禁賬號或影響正常購票流程。此外,保持良好的心態和耐心也很重要。 - 購票渠道:官方鐵路網站、官方鐵路APP、電話訂票、代售點、自助售票機等都是購票的途徑,可以根據個人實際情況選擇合適的渠道購票。 溫馨提示:無論選擇哪種購票渠道,都要注意保護個人信息和財產安全。在搶票過程中遇到問題,可以諮詢官方客服或相關專業人士,尋求幫助和建議。同時,遵守相關法律法規和規定,避免參與非法活動。希望這些信息對您有幫助!祝您旅途愉快!