you raise me up歌詞翻譯

《You Raise Me Up》是英文歌曲,歌詞如下:


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; 當我失落時,噢,我的靈魂,如此疲倦

When troubles loom and the heartache melts me; 當苦難迎面來襲,心靈深處感到的痛苦將我吞噬

Then, I am silenced by your sense of awe-inspiring grandeur; 然後,我沉默了,被你那讓人敬畏的宏偉所震懾

And I am brought to my knees with this unfathomable love. 然後,我屈膝下跪,被這無法測量的愛所感動

You raise me up, up to stand on mountains; 你鼓舞了我,讓我站起來,像山一般高大

You raise me up, so I can stand on rainbow; 你鼓舞了我,讓我站起來,站到彩虹之巔

You raise me up, so I can stand on the wind-tossed waves; 你鼓舞了我,讓我站起來,站到狂風巨浪之上

You raise me up to more than I've ever been before. 你鼓舞了我,讓我超越過去,超越自我

When my strength is gone and my tether snapped; 當我的力量消失,我的繩索斷裂

And my tattered dreams, like rags, are torn and scattered; 我的破舊夢想,就像破布一樣撕裂並散落一地

Then your warm embrace is like a hand that comforts; 然後你的溫暖擁抱,就像那溫柔的手

And you lift me up, higher than the clouds, and teach me how to fly. 將我舉起,將我提升到雲朵之上,教我如何飛翔

Oh, I was broken, lost and confused; 噢,我曾破碎、迷失和困惑

And shattered dreams that couldn't hold me back again; 碎夢不再能阻擋我前行

But your warm embrace, you show me what it's like to have a new beginning. 可是你的溫暖擁抱,你讓我知道有新的開始是什麼樣子
