Day Between歌詞

時長:03分34秒 歌手:L Altra

作詞:許斐 剛
Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby×2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!
あまりにヘタクソな奴 発見
Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby×2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!
やる気だけは うん 認めるけれど
Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby×2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!
そしてにわか雨 今日はFriday お弁當の おかずは やっぱ フライで!
置いたラケット 上から摑む様に持つのはウエスタングリップだろ
握手する様に これがイースタン point her in the direction
1·2·3でstep up! 宿題ノート後回し
Baby, between you & me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby×2 boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!
hit a ball Nice shot!

L Altra最好聽的歌

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