Sound of Silence 電影畢業生插曲歌詞

時長:03分08秒 歌手:Simon Garfunkel

the sound of silence-simon garfunkel 寂然之聲(西蒙 加豐凱爾)[畢業生]
hello darkness my old friend.嘿,黑夜啊,我的老朋友.
i ve come talk with u again.我又來找你聊天了.
because a vision softly creeping.因為有個幻影無聲無息地爬過.
left its seeds while i was sleeping.趁我熟睡時留下了種子.
and the vision that was planted in my brain.這幻影在我腦海里種下了根.
still remains.縈繞不去.
within the sound of silence !於寂靜無聲的此刻!
in restless dreams i walk alone.在無數浮躁的夢中我煢煢獨行.
narrow streets of cobble stone.行走在鵝卵石鋪就的狹窄街道上.
neath the halo of a street lamp.頭頂上街燈的光暈將我籠罩(我睡在街燈下).
i turned my collar 2 the cold damp.我翻起衣領以抗禦此夜的寒冷及潮濕.
when my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light.當我的眼睛被霓虹燈的閃爍刺痛時.
that split the night.(霓虹燈的閃爍)也劃破了夜空.
and touched the sound of silence.打破了黑夜的沉靜.
and in the naked night i saw.在無遮燈照耀下(在裸露的光線中)我看到-
ten thousand people maybe more.數以萬記的人,或許更多.
people talking without speaking.有的人在說著無聊的話語.
people hearing without listening.有的人在漫不經心的聽著別人說

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