False Prophets(Clean)歌詞

時長:03分58秒 歌手:J. Cole

False Prophets(Clean) - J. Cole
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Yeah life is a balance
You lose your grip you can slip into an abyss
你不再堅守內心的原則 終會跌入無底深淵
No doubt you see these niggas trippin'
毫無疑問 你看到這些傢伙誇誇其談
Ego in charge of every move he's a star
他只關注自己 狂放不羈 他在業界赫赫有名
And we can't look away
Due to the days that he caught our hearts
He's fallin' apart but we deny it
說他的地位不斷下降 我們一口否決
Justifying that half ass shit he dropped we always buy it
無論他發行什麼專輯 我們都會收入囊中
When he tell us he a genius but it's clearer lately
當他說 他就是個天才 但近來的事實證明了一切
It's been hard for him to look into the mirror lately
There was a time when this nigga was my hero maybe
曾幾何時 我把他視為我的偶像
That's the reason why his fall from grace is hard to take
'Cause I believed him when he said his shit was purer and he
因為我深信不疑 當他說他的音樂都是自己創作的
The type of nigga swear he real but all around him's fake
他發誓他一直展示真實的自己 但他周圍的人恰然相反
The women the dickriders you know the yes men
他身邊的女人們 你知道 還有那些唯命是從的人 他們都無比虛偽
Nobody with the balls to say somethin' to contest him
當他地位顯赫 周圍的人只會對他言聽計從
So he grows out of control
Into the person that he truly was all along it's startin' to show
變成現在這樣 其實他一直如此 如今暴露一切
Damn wonder what happened
該死 事情怎么會發展到如此地步
Maybe it's my fault for idolizing niggas
或許都是我的錯 過於崇拜他們
Based off the words they be rappin'
But come to find out these niggas don't even write they shit
而如今才發現 這些傢伙一直在撒謊
Hear some new style bubblin' up then they bite the shit
聽說了新的潮流 他們竭力追趕
Damn that's what I get for lyin' to myself
該死 我簡直就是自欺欺人
Well f**k it what's more important is he's cryin' out for help
尤為重要的是 他正聲嘶力竭 渴求得到幫助
While the world's eggin' him on I'm beggin' him to stop it
當所有的人都在慫恿他繼續 只有我求他趕快停下來
Playin' his old shit knowin' he won't top it false prophets
只會唱他的老歌 深知他無法突破自我 虛偽的宣揚者
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this
False prophets
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Yeah false prophets
I got a homie he a rapper and he wanna win bad
我有一個哥們 他也是個說唱手 他取勝之心極其強烈
He want the fame the acclaim the respect that's been had
他想揚名天下 想備受矚目 想要贏得更多的敬仰
By all the legends so every time I see him he stressin'
每次我看見他 他都會再三強調 他會重奏所有經典之作
Talkin' 'bout niggas don't f**k with him the shit is depressin'
他一旦開口就滔滔不絕 夥計們都不搭理他 結果也不盡人意
And I know he so bitter he can't see his own blessings
我知道他痛苦不堪 他根本看不到自己的幸運之處
Goddamn nigga you too blind to see you got fans nigga
該死 夥計 你已被名利蒙蔽了雙眼 看不到你也擁有很多冬粉
And a platform to make a classic rap song
To change a nigga's life but you too anxious livin' life
試圖改變目前的處境當然可以 但你太過焦慮
Always worried 'bout the critics who ain't ever f**kin' did it
總是擔心別人會批評你 但那些人根本無關緊要
I write what's in my heart don't give a f**k who f**kin' with it
我總是表達自己的心聲 才不管別人說什麼
But in a sense I can relate the need to be great
但在某種意義上我覺得 對成功心存渴望當然沒問題
Turns into an obsession and keeps a nigga up late
一旦這種渴望變為一種痴迷 那會讓人日思夜想 徹夜難眠
Writin' words hopin' people observe the dedication
我寫下一切 希望人們看到這一番箴言
That stirs in you constantly but intentions get blurred
欲望會不斷擾亂你的思緒 讓你迷失自己 忘卻初心
Do I do it for the love of
The music or is there more to me
是否出於對音樂的熱愛 還是意味著更多
Do I want these niggas to worship me false prophets
我是否想贏得萬人敬仰 虛偽的宣揚者
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this
False prophets
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Yeah false prophets
These rappers insecure
They talk about being a man so much
談起自己的說唱生涯 滔滔不絕
I finally understand that they ain't even sure
我終於明白了 他們甚至也不確定
'Bout who they are and why they do this
自己到底是誰 為什麼要做這些事
Guess I'm included in that category
As a nigga who done had the glory
一路走來 看厭了所謂的榮譽聲望
My highest moments come from tellin' all the saddest stories
經歷過最傷心的歲月 才會收穫最輝煌的時刻
I've seen in my life I be fiendin' to write
縱觀我的一生 我對創作的熱愛幾近瘋狂
Songs that raise the hair on my arms
My lowest moments came from tryin' too hard
在最低靡的時候 我努力奮鬥
To impress some niggas that couldn't care if I'm on
Therefore from here on out my hair grow out
從此刻起 我留起長發 增添一些藝術氣息
I care nothin' about opinions
I wanna give hope like the fountains you throw pennies in
我想通過歌聲傳遞給人們希望 就像投幣許下願望
Hit the store take your diss make your wish
來到商店 買下唱片 許下心愿
This is dedicated to the ones
Who listen to me on some faithful shit
I'm on some thankful shit
But the real god is in you not the music you coppin'
但我還要說明 一切掌控在你手中 不是你耳邊的歌聲
I hear my old shit and I know I can top it false prophets
我聽著自己的老歌 我知道我會突破自己 虛偽的宣揚者
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this
False prophets
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
Be like this be like this
是這樣的 是這樣的
Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this
本應有人告訴我 事情是這樣的
False prophets

J. Cole最好聽的歌

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