

Peace詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Peace演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


專輯介紹by Stephen Thomas ErlewineNearly a decade after Eurythmics went on an unannounced, virtually unnoticed hiatus in 1990,Annie LennoxandDave Stewartreturned with the heavily publicizedPeace.Both Lennox and Stewart had been silent since 1995, which means that reuniting really wasnt a sacrifice, since their solo careers had stalled. In fact, it was a wise idea to re-team, both commercially and artistically, since their best and most popular music was made together. Whats odd is thatPeacestrongly resemblesLennoxsDiva. True, Eurythmics were moving toward the melodramatic grandeur of Diva on their final 80s album,We Too Are One, yet they still had an innate sense of quirkiness and a desire to take risks. In 1999, theyre more about craft, which only emphasizes the maturity of the music. Thats not entirely a bad thing, even if it means thatPeaceneeds a couple of spins before the songs begin to register.Lennox and Stewart know how to write gently insinuating melodies and how to layer their tracks with small sonic details, weaving lush tapestries of sound.Peacekeeps its alluring mood throughout; even when they attempt to revisit their Stones-y tendencies, the songs play as sleekly and smoothly as the ballads that dominate the record. In one sense, thats good, because it means thatPeacekeeps a consistent tone from front to back, but it also means that most of the songs blend together. There are no standout singles here, and thats the hardest thing to accept about the record since Eurythmics were one of the best singles bands of the 80s. Even so,Peaceis a successful debut for Eurythmics, Mark II -- its classy adult pop, delivered with style and grace.Peace, Eurythmicss first studio album in a decade, finds Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart proving the durability of their musical bond. Where their solo efforts were usually well crafted and unexciting, Peace makes clear how inspired the two can be when working together. The ballad (and first U.S. single) 17 Again is nice if overly sentimental; the reprise of Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) at the end treads Stinglike ground to little appreciable effect. But songs such as I Saved the World Today and Beautiful Child vividly return to the depth of Touch and Be Yourself Tonight while updating Eurythmicss chemistry for 1999. In short, Peace is a happy surprise that will find listeners hoping for more. --Rickey Wright本專輯已加入共享計畫專輯曲目01. 17 Again02. I Saved the World Today03.Power to the Meek04. Beautiful Child05. Anything But Strong06. Peace Is Just a Word07. Ive Tried Everything08. I Want It All09. My True Love10. Forever11. Lifted


和平牌香菸PEACE是和平牌香菸。“peace(和平)”牌香菸首次面世於二戰結束的1945年,製造商是聯合國駐日的美國總司令部(american general headquarters)。1952年,《舊金山對日講和條約》生效後,美軍撤離日本,“peace(和平)”牌香菸也重新設計了logo(上圖右)。如果仔細觀察的話,不難辨別新版的logo是一隻倒立的和平鴿。客人拿了一個“peace(和平)的香菸殼,問我對此logo有何想法。我說,從純粹視覺印象上來講,這隻金色、堅韌並且倒立著的和平鴿給我父權、權利的感覺。客人笑。他畫了一個“帝”字給我,接著把“帝”倒了過來,竟然是“peace(和平)香菸殼上的這隻和平鴿。明治維新之後到二戰結束這近80年間,天皇是最高權利的象徵。1945年日本投降,在美國的主持下建立議會民主制,重立憲法,天皇僅僅作為象徵性的國家元首保留下來。所以呢,“peace(和平)香菸殼上的這隻和平鴿同樣隱喻了帝王的顛覆。《peace》此種為黃色軟包,焦油量16,一氧化碳貌似達到了2.4mg菸草呈金黃色,過濾嘴無雷射打孔。很辣,適合超級菸民級《peace lights》此種就是上圖,焦油量10,一氧化碳0.9mg是我喜歡的類型,菸草呈金黃色,過濾嘴一條雷射打孔。聞之也淡淡的香草味,有點像話梅的味道,很多中老年忘年交說味道像當年的鳳凰香菸《peace super lights》焦油量6,一氧化碳0.6mg菸草呈金黃偏黑色,過濾嘴兩條雷射打孔。聞之也淡淡的香草味,代有外煙混合味。是超淡的,本人不怎么喜歡,因為外煙混合味個人覺得做的偏過《peace classic》焦油量24,一氧化碳18mg菸草呈金黃色,無過濾嘴。聞之也濃烈的香草味,純正的無嘴煙,包裝也很特別,很小的盒子,抽屜推出設計,尺寸跟短美很像,但就是無過濾嘴


  • 2015-02-27歌曲:Money
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