Courtney Jaye

Courtney Jaye的個人資料

Courtney Jaye詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Courtney Jaye演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Courtney Jaye生日:1900-01-01


Courtney Jaye(19張)出生美國賓州的Courtney,求學時期受到嬉皮年代所釋放出的獨特魅力驅使,對於音樂的文化影響力,開始有著濃厚興趣,發現從音樂中可以全然感受無拘束的自由感,直到遭受身邊摯友過世的打擊,讓她認真面對創作音樂之課題,藉由實際創作發表,換化內心喜怒哀樂多樣情緒。Courtney畢業後,決定展開旅行生涯,一方面感受各地域音樂民情文化,一方面詳細寫下當時心境轉變,為自己的音樂世界畫出更為多彩的鮮亮色調。喜愛衝浪的她,不時享受陽光、海浪的洗禮,更在每一個待上不久的地方,留下一道道深刻足跡。Courtney曾經瘋狂著迷於地下獨立搖滾才女Ani DiFranco毫不跟主流大廠妥協、自由隨性發表音樂創作專輯、完全灑脫的酷派性格,然而最具個人特色的外貌造型也讓Courtney與之效法,將她一頭亮麗長發剃成光頭,這時她也慢慢驚覺到,若是沒辦法誠實做自己,只是跟隨別人的影子走,永遠不會加寬自己的格局,走出屬於自己的味道。藉由工作夥伴Gal Asher的鼓勵,Courtney的創作歌曲受到主流大廠喜愛,集結多年來旅遊心情寫照,創作出這張處女秀【Travling Light】。首支主打呈現如Sheryl Crow的Soak Up The Sun輕鬆自若曲調,踩著快意步伐挺進排行各榜,引發樂迷高度詢問度之先攻之作Can’t Behave;微微涼意的吉他聲線,不斷藉由Mental頗具起伏之情緒,蔓延出一股輕易動容的聲音共鳴;與同樣是創作才女並且擁有個人專輯的Michelle Lewis共譜之同名單曲Traveling Light,些許鄉村聲韻搭配Courtney甜而不膩的嗓音,調和出毫無壓力的音樂觸感;Hanalei Road則驚喜邀來藍調樂派之傳奇性人物Taj Mahal 獻聲合唱;推薦曲目Can You Sleep與Love Me,則請出新生代創作才子Butch Walker及鄉村界亮眼才女 Tift Merritt助陣搭唱。(以上內容系轉載)Singer-songwriter Courtney Jayes debut album, Traveling Light, embodies all the surprising and enthralling qualities of pop music; Jaye writes recognizably real-life stories from the inside out--stories that anybody whos ever been young and in love will relate to--and she delivers them in a beguilingly, natural voice.Working with producer Peter Collins (Indigo Girls, Jewel, Elton John) and a studio band of handpicked musicians, including drummer Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Tears for Fears, John Mayer) and guitarist Rusty Anderson (Ednaswap, Paul McCartney), Jaye fearlessly swings for the fences throughout her first at-bat, and she consistently connects. This young artist is stepping up to the plate with a fistful of memorable songs shes fashioned with, among others, Matthew Sweet, the Jayhawks Gary Louris, Butch Walker, and former Veruca Salt co-leader Nina Gordon, all skilled songsmiths who share her belief in the enduring expressive potential of the verse, chorus and bridge.


01. Lose My Head02. Cant Behave03. Permanent04. Mental05. Time For Goodbye06. Somersault07. Traveling Light08. Hanalei Road09. Can You Sleep10. Love Song (For Everyone)11. This Is The Day12. Love Me

Courtney Jaye歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2010-01-16歌曲:I Need Love
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Don t Tell a Girl
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Sweet Ride
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Tiger s Eye
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Sometimes Always (featuring Ben Bridwell)
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Maru Maru
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Sunlight
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Box Wine
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:Queen of Sabotage
  • 2010-01-16歌曲:It s the Checks You Write

Courtney Jaye歷年專輯

  • 2010年推出專輯:《Exotic Sounds of Cou》
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