

一切歸零 (All Clear)

今天把所有事都忘掉 重新開始 (Today I forget all that happened, and started again)

現在是掌握未來的關鍵 今天做起 (The present is the key to master the future, Let's do it today)

你有絕世的本領和資源 就盡情展現 (You have the world's best abilities and resources, so display them fully)

想成功的志願一定要堅定 (The determination to succeed must be steadfast)

只不過失敗一次不算啥 別讓它改變你 (After all, one failure is nothing, don't let it change you)

一條路走到黑都不可怕 怕的是你沒有追求 (Walking down one road to the end is not terrible, what's terrible is not having a pursuit)

我們有著 夢想與抱負 創造未來 (We have dreams and aspirations to create the future)

萬事萬物一切歸零再來 (Everything will start from scratch, let's do it again)

你有絕世的本領和資源 就盡情展現 (You have the world's best abilities and resources, so display them fully)

要想成功的志願一定要堅定 (The determination to succeed must be steadfast)

我們有著 夢想與抱負 創造未來 (We have dreams and aspirations to create the future)

萬事萬物一切歸零再來 (Everything will start from scratch, let's do it again)

我們有著 夢想與抱負 創造未來 (We have dreams and aspirations to create the future)

(合唱) 當前進的路無數次跌倒 (When there are countless times when the road ahead leads us to fall down)

爬起來的過程總是一樣美妙 (The process of getting up is always beautiful)

讓我們把握現在勇往直前 打造夢想中的未來 (Let's seize the present, move forward bravely, and build the future we dream of)
