


Don't I know? Wishing that I never asked, This memory keeps echoing in my mind.

結束後我只能咬咬牙 嘲笑著揮了揮右手 擺出了聳然進步的姿式 活得潦草草率而散場。

After the game, I just grit my teeth and sneer, waved my right hand and said, "Well done!" But in reality, I just lived life carelessly and hastily.

可惜沒如果 故事改寫了結局 可惜沒如果 後來我們分開了。

What a pity! If only we changed the ending. What a pity! We parted ways later.

你總是巧妙地解釋著,那句我還沒開口 未完的旋律漸漸被改寫了歌詞。

You always cleverly explain that I didn't have a chance to speak. The unfinished melody gradually became a rewritten song.

可惜沒如果 遠方留下一句 如果可惜沒如果 遠方也會隨風飄散。

What a pity! It leaves a word in the distance, "If only..." What a pity! Even if it's not the case, the word will be scattered by the wind.

希望再遇見時我還是你老友 能開心笑容像昨天。

I hope to meet you again as your old friend, laughing happily as if it was yesterday.