

後來 - 後來(Afterward)

你輕輕的走了 留下我獨自守候

All right, you left me here alone

像是夢境般的感覺 醒來後卻不在身旁

It's like a dream that I had, but now it's gone

後來我遇見很多人 像你的眼眸似曾相識

I met many people later, but none of them were like you

你的笑容多么熟悉 我想念你的聲音

How familiar your smile and voice are to me

可是卻已不是你的專屬 後來 我終於明白

But it's not even mine anymore, and later, I finally understand

有些人一旦錯過就不再 後來 我多希望你能回來

Some people, once they're gone, they're gone forever, and later, I hope you could come back

讓時間沖淡一切 才漸漸發現我不能再像從前那樣愛你

Time passed and things changed, and I realized I couldn't love you the way I used to

有些愛經不住時間的考驗 慢慢變淡 直到消失不見

Some love can't withstand the test of time, it fades away, until it's gone completely

我很抱歉那時候沒有牽起你的手 我害怕現在牽手會不會太晚

I'm sorry that I didn't hold your hand back then, I'm afraid it's too late to hold your hand now

我很想你 但我不會再打擾你的生活 我很抱歉 但我只能這樣

I miss you, but I won't disturb your life anymore, I'm sorry, but that's just how it has to be

希望你能遇見一個比我更好的人 那時候我會祝福你們白頭偕老 只是不再是我了

I hope you meet someone better than me, and I will wish you a lifetime of happiness, just not with me anymore.