




我欲乘風而去 雲海之間翔翱

穿過蒼穹之間 自由翱翔於天地間

風拂過面 觸碰我心 無所畏懼

縱使千山萬水 亦不懼前行


翱翔於天際 無盡的蒼穹

隨風而舞 自由自在 無拘無束

心隨風舞 無盡的自由

乘風而去 翱翔於天際


翻山越嶺 無所畏懼

無懼萬難險阻 勇往直前

追逐夢想 不畏困難

逆風翱翔 直至達到彼岸


翱翔於天際 無盡的蒼穹

隨風而舞 自由自在 無拘無束

心隨風舞 無盡的自由

乘風而去 翱翔於天際


乘風而去 不回來批量查找所有包含數字0~9且不是首位數字的所有單元格地址的方法,並在符合條件的單元格旁邊填充內容?可以使用哪些Excel工具或者VBA來實現這個任務?



1. 首先,在Excel中打開包含數據的表格。

2. 使用快捷鍵`Ctrl+F`打開查找和替換對話框,並選擇“替換”選項卡。

3. 在“查找內容”框中輸入一個數字,例如“[0-9]”(不含方括弧),表示查找所有數字。在“替換為”框中留空。

4. 點擊“更多”按鈕,勾選“單元格匹配”複選框。

5. 點擊“全部替換”按鈕,Excel將自動查找所有符合條件的單元格並高亮顯示。此時,你可以手動檢查並標記出所有符合條件的單元格地址。

6. 對於每個符合條件的單元格,你可以手動在旁邊填充內容。或者,你可以使用Excel的批量填充功能,例如“批量填充”工具或“數據驗證”。


1. 打開Excel,按下`Alt+F11`打開VBA編輯器。

2. 在VBA項目瀏覽器中,右鍵單擊工作簿名稱,選擇“插入”>“模組”。

3. 在新模組中,輸入以下代碼:


Sub FindNumbers()

Dim rng As Range, cell As Range

Dim found As Boolean, i As Long, lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long

Dim result As String

lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

lastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

For i = 1 To lastRow Step i + 1 'Skip headers and the first row with data in some cases if there are headers present. Adjust the step value accordingly if needed.

Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, lastCol)) 'Change the sheet name as needed. Also adjust the column range as needed based on your data layout.

found = False 'Start with no matches found.

For Each cell In rng 'Loop through each cell in the range.

If IsNumeric(cell) And cell.Value <> "" And cell.Row > 1 Then 'Check if the cell contains a numeric value and is not empty and not the first row of data (headers). Adjust the conditions as needed based on your data layout.

found = True 'Match found! Set the flag to true and continue to the next cell in the range.

result = result & "Address: " & cell.Address & vbCrLf 'Append the address to the result string. Adjust the line to add content to the cell as needed.

End If 'End if/else statement based on your conditions above. If you want to skip over cells that contain non-numeric values, adjust the condition accordingly.

Next cell 'End loop through each cell in the range. Set found to false once all cells have been checked to indicate no matches found for this row yet. Adjust the line to add content to the cell as needed. If you want to skip over cells that contain non-numeric values, adjust the condition accordingly here too. End if/else statement based on your conditions above. End loop through each cell in the range. End if/else statement based on your conditions above here too. If you want to skip over cells that contain non-numeric values, adjust the condition accordingly here too and adjust the line to add content to