

One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little too.

Little Indians had a bundle to sell,

Sold it in the market to the great man well.


One little Indian girl,

Two little Indian boys,

Three little Indian babies too.

Little Indians had a house to build,

Built it with bricks and with stones well.


One little Indian girl,

Two little Indian boys,

Three little Indian babies too.

Little Indians had a cow to take home,

Sacred heart, all with joy to see it grow.


One little Indian girl,

Two little Indian boys,

Three little Indian babies too.

以上是一首常見的英文兒歌《Little Indians》的歌詞,由一些簡單易懂的單詞和重複的旋律組成,非常適合孩子們學習英語和感受音樂的樂趣。當然,還有很多其他的兒歌,每個國家的兒歌都有自己的特點,可以多聽多唱來提高自己的英語水平。